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書名:《外國投資組合投資者手冊》(The handbook on Foreign Portfolio investors published by BSE & ICCL)
字數:82,530字(9國語言版本的本地化+ DTP(桌面出版)──英語譯日語、韓語、繁體中文、簡體中文、阿拉伯語、德語、西班牙語、法語和俄語)
手冊對象為外國投資組合投資者(foreign portfolio investors),對印度鼓勵外資流入有重大意義。須確保最高翻譯準確度,並針對各國投資者的習慣用法在地化。
DTP (桌面出版)小組使用Adobe InDesign和Illustrator等工具,複製出與英文手冊相同的格式。
進一步瞭解 Ulatus如何協助孟買證券交易所完成多語言手冊翻譯?
五種語言文字一案搞定 藏語語言學專著

書名:《藏語的示證系統》(Evidential Systems of Tibetan Languages)
書名 | 作者/出版社 |
Translation of book on Collaborative Governance of Forests: Towards Sustainable Forest Resource Utilization | Tokyo University Press |
Fukushima: Lives on the Line - A compendium of reports from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami | Fukushima Prefecture and Fukushima medical college |
Guinness World Records 2012 | Kadokawa Corporation |
The Essential CFO. A Corporate Finance playbook. | Effissimo Capital Management Pte Ltd |
Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils (AKA “The Blue Book”) | Carolyn L. Mein |
Translation of a book on Evidential Systems in Tibetan languages | SOAS, University of London |
Translation of “The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia” for third largest comic book publisher in the world | Dark Horse Comics |
FPI - Easing Access to India | Bombay Stock Exchange |
Pesticides in Paradise: Hawaii’s Health and Environment at Risk | HAWAI‘I - Center for Food Safety (CFS) |
Fukushima: Lives on the Line - A compendium of reports from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami | Fukushima Prefecture and Fukushima medical college |
White Paper on India INX | Bombay Stock Exchange |
New Physics Framework | Dan S Correnti |
Effortless English: Learn To Speak English Like A Native | Effortless English |
Articles of a book on Evidential Systems in Tibetan languages | SOAS, University of London |
Translation of book on Collaborative Governance of Forests: Towards Sustainable Forest Resource Utilization | Tokyo University Press |
English academic book on Business Administration and Economics | Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University |
Books regarding monitoring of circulation dynamics | Asahikawa Medical college |
Translated books on teaching material for a Master's course | National Museum of Ethnology |
Translation of book on business management history | Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University |
Translation of book on reproductive biology for students | Tokyo University |
Translation of book on Japanese Perspective on Regional Development Factors | Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University |
Translation of syllabus of the International Relations Department of the University | Asian University |
Translation of book on Modern economics which criticizes modern economics | Waseda University |
Translation of book on Government policies and sociocultural, economic, skills development issues of foreign domestic workers in the care supply system, with special focus on three countries in East Asia--Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. | Kyoto University |
Translation of book on India’s economic growth | Tokyo University |
Translation of book on Thermophiles in Environmental Biotechnology | Kyushu University |
Book translation on radical critique of modern economics | Individual researcher from National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) |
Book translation on behaviour of the rats in laboratory | Individual researcher from Osaka University |
Translation of a book on understanding the electric energy structure of semiconductors and organic dyes | Individual researcher from Osaka University |
Translation of book on explosions, gaseous detonations, their nature, effects and control, classifications of explosions, and detonations | Individual professor from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Book translation on The Historical and Religious Background of Meat Consumption in Japan | SEICHO-NO-IE International Headquarters |
A Therapist Guide for Family-Based Treatment for Young Children with OCD | Oxford University |
International political developments after the end of the Cold War and its impacts on the response of the USA to the (2014) turmoil in Syria | Individual researcher |
Translation of encyclopedia for a company producing recreational content | Dark Horse Comics |
Translation of a book on nursing experiences in end-of-life care and development of a nursing scale | Japan Society for the Promotion Science |
Translation of a book on understanding architecture from anthropological and ethnographical perspectives | Waseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies |
Translation of a book dealing with optimization theory and involving aspects of computational mathematics | Graduate School of Information Science Nagoya University |
Translation of a book on a foundation and its visionary work toward integrating people across nations & establishing a civil community transcending national borders by means of education | One Asia Foundation |
Translation of handbook for a Music school | Kunitachi College of Music |
Translation of Software protocol guide | Net One Systems Co., Ltd. |
Translation of company manuals on Engineering | AINEX Co., Ltd |
Translation of institute syllabus papers | Kawaijuku Educational Institution |
Translation of a book on the safety, efficacy & prospects of ozone therapy | Japanese Society of Oxidative Medicine |
Translation of a book dealing with pregnancy complications & ensuring safe delivery | NPO OPPIC Organization for the Advancement of Pregnancy , Perinatal and Infant Care |
Translation of book on overview and legal issues regarding real estate | Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo |
Translation of book on shift of judicial principle. From Formalism to Arbitrium | Osaka University |
Translation of book on Interfacial physical chemistry in high-temperature melt | Jönköping University, Sweden |
Translation of book on Marginal Organ Repair: From Vision to Everyday Clinical Practice | Hokkaido University |
Translation of book on “A tale of the i-ching - How the changes began” | First Press, Inc |
Translation of book on Popular Sovereignty, Social Movements, and Money ― The Political Process in 1960 and 2014 for Security ― | Keio University |
Translation of book on “Korea: Outline of the schemes” | Nagoya University |
Translation of boon on Agent-Based Simulation Model for Shop-Around Behavior | Nagoya Institute of Technology |
Translation of book on Theory of Values and Fairness - An Introduction to Post-Modern Economics | Mr. Takayuki Noshi |
Translation of a poetry book to Sanskrit | Tehzeeb Khurana (Daughter-in-law of Indian animator Bhim Sain Khurana) |
Translation of book on Acupuncture | Sham Sen |
Translation of a training book for physicians including obstetrics and gynecology | NPO Corporation |
English academic book on Business Administration and Economics | Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University |
Books regarding monitoring of circulation dynamics | Asahikawa Medical college |
Books on teaching material for a Master's course | National Museum of Ethnology |
Book on business management history | Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University |
Book on reproductive biology for students | Tokyo University |
Book on Japanese Perspective on Regional Development Factors | Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University |
Syllabus of the International Relations Department of the University | Asian University |
Paper on Modern economics which criticizes modern economics | Waseda University |
Paper on Government policies and sociocultural, economic, skills development issues of foreign domestic workers in the care supply system, with special focus on three countries in East Asia--Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore | Kyoto University |
Paper on India’s economic growth | Tokyo University |
Book on Thermophiles in Environmental Biotechnology | Kyushu University |
Possibility of sharing and commitment: Suggestion by forest use and management | Tokyo University Press |
Book translation on radical critique of modern economics | Individual researcher from National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) |
Book translation on behavior of the rats in laboratory | Individual researcher from Osaka University |
Book on understanding the electric energy structure of semiconductors and organic dyes | Individual researcher from Osaka University |
Book on explosions, gaseous detonations, their nature, effects and control, classifications of explosions, and detonations | Individual professor from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Book translation on The Historical and Religious Background of Meat Consumption in Japan | SEICHO-NO-IE International Headquarters |
A Therapist Guide for Family- Based Treatment for Young Children with OCD | Oxford University |
International political developments after the end of the Cold War and its impacts on the response of the USA to the (2014) turmoil in Syria | Individual researcher |
Handbook for a Music school | Kunitachi College of Music |
Translation of Software protocol guide | Net One Systems Co., Ltd. |
Company manuals on Engineering | AINEX Co., Ltd |
Institute syllabus papers | Kawaijuku Educational Institution |
Radiographic Imaging and Exposure | Elsevier |
Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder | Elsevier |
Netter's Essential Clinical Procedures, ed 1 | Elsevier |
Maternal Child Nursing, ed 5 | Elsevier |
Integrative Medicine | Elsevier |
Nelson Pediatric Symptom- Based Diagnosis, ed 1 | Elsevier |
The Harriet Lane Handbook, ed 21 | Elsevier |
Surgical Technology: Principles and Practice | Elsevier |
Harty’s Endodontics in Clinical Practice | Elsevier |
Netter's Sports Medicine, ed 2 | Elsevier |
Study Guide for Maternal-Child Nursing, 5ed | Elsevier |
Cifu: Braddom’s Rehabilitation Care: A Clinical Handbook | Elsevier |
Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology | Elsevier |
Study of Group Dynamics Approach in Business Management | Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan |
Monitoring of Circulation Dynamics | Asahikawa Medical College, Japan |
Business Administration and Economics | Ritsumeikan University, Japan |
Teaching Material for a Master's Course | National Museum of Ethnology, Japan |
Business Management History | Ritsumeikan University, Japan |
Reproductive Biology for Students | Tokyo University, Japan |
Thermophiles in Environmental Biotechnology | Kyushu University, Japan |
Theories of Biology | National Museum of Ethnology, Japan |
Japanese Perspective on Regional Development Factors | Ritsumeikan University, Japan |
Modern Economics | Waseda University, Japan |
Care of Foreign Domestic Workers (Focus on Taiwan, Hong Kong & Singapore) | Kyoto University, Japan |
India’s Economic Growth | Tokyo University, Japan |
Software protocol guide | Net One Systems Co., Ltd. |
Modern economics which criticizes modern economics. | Waseda University |
Government policies and sociocultural, economic, skills development issues of foreign domestic workers in the care supply system, with special focus on three countries in East Asia--Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. | Kyoto University |
Radical critique of modern economics | Individual researcher from National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) |
Behaviour of the rats in laboratory | Individual researcher from Osaka University |
Understanding the electric energy structure of semiconductors and organic dyes | Individual researcher from Osaka University |
Explosions, gaseous detonations, their nature, effects and control, classifications of explosions, and detonations | Individual professor from National Institute of Advanced |
The Historical and Religious Background of Meat Consumption in Japan | SEICHO-NO-IE International Headquarters |
A Therapist Guide for Family-Based Treatment for Young Children with OCD | Oxford University |
Translation of handbook for a Music school | Kunitachi College of Music |
Translation of company manuals on Engineering | AINEX Co., Ltd |
Translation of institute syllabus papers | Kawaijuku Educational Institution |
Translation of a book on the safety, efficacy & prospects of ozone therapy | Japanese Society of Oxidative Medicine |
Translation of a book dealing with pregnancy complications & ensuring safe delivery | NPO OPPIC Organization for the Advancement of Pregnancy, Perinatal and Infant Care |
Translated books on teaching material for a Master's course | National Museum of Ethnology |
Translation of book on business management history | Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University |
Translation of book on reproductive biology for students | Tokyo University |
Translation of book on Japanese Perspective on Regional Development Factors | Graduate School of Business Administration, Ritsumeikan University |
Translation of syllabus of the International Relations Department of the University | Asian University |
Translation of paper on Modern economics which criticizes modern economics | Waseda University |
Translation of paper on Government policies and sociocultural, economic, skills development issues of foreign domestic workers in the care supply system, with special focus on three countries in East Asia--Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore | Kyoto University |
Translation of paper on India’s economic growth | Tokyo University |
Translation of book on Thermophiles in Environmental Biotechnology | Kyushu University |
Book translation on behaviour of the rats in laboratory | Individual researcher from Osaka University |
Translation of a book on understanding the electric energy structure of semiconductors and organic dyes | Individual researcher from Osaka University |
Translation of book on explosions, gaseous detonations, their nature, effects and control, classifications of explosions, and detonations | Individual professor from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Translation of encyclopedia for a company producing recreational content | Dark Horse Comics |
Translation of a book on nursing experiences in end-of-life care and development of a nursing scale | Japan Society for the Promotion Science |
Translation of a book on understanding architecture from anthropological and ethnographical perspectives | Waseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies |
Translation of a book dealing with optimization theory and involving aspects of computational mathematics | Graduate School of Information Science Nagoya University |
Translation of a book on a foundation and its visionary work toward integrating people across nations & establishing a civil community transcending national borders by means of education | One Asia Foundation |